- Online cursus “Inside your dog’s mind” (01/2019)
- Online cursus “The treatment and prevention of dog aggression: biting and figthing” (02/2019)
- Online cursus “Simple solutions for common dog behavior & training problems” (04/2019)
- Emotions, learning and animal learning (mini course) (09/2019)
- Reliability and games 2-day dog training workshop (02/2020)
- Solving Separation Anxiety : Peggy Swager (03/2020)
- Stress-reductie (Monique Bladder) (04/2020)
- Mini-cursus detectiewerk (Digidog) (04/2020)
- Dog emotion and cognition (Coursera) (Brian Hare) (04/2020)
- Help je uitvallende hond (Monique Bladder) (07/2020)
- BAT online (08/2020)
- Predation Substitute Training Webinar: New Ways to Manage: Predatory Chasing (08/2020)
- Enrichment for Shelter dogs (04/2023)
- BAT 101 ((Re)Socialization for Aggression, Frustration, & Fear) (Grisha Stewart) (04/2023)
- Introduction to “Behavioral Euthanasia” for Shelter Staff and volunteers (05/2023)
- Dog Body Language for Shelter Workers (05/2023)
- TTouch and BAT Together! Empowered Body Awareness for Dog Resilience with K Lismont (05/2023)
- Sensory Integration for Dogs (Freedogz) (06/2023)
- Fear Free Shelter Program (4 basis modules) (08/2023)
- Fear Free Shelter Program – Intake and Admission (8/2023)
- Fear Free Shelters Program – Enrichment for Shelter Dogs (08/2023)
- Fear Free Shelters Program – Housing and Environment (08/2023)
- 2023B SDBM – Shelter Dog Behavior Mentorschip (12/2023)
- Shelter Training & Enrichment (02/2024)
- Mastering “Leave-it’ – A 10 step training plan! (03/2024)
- Behavioral intake for shelter dogs (01/2025)
- Dog Shelter Behavior & Training Program (02/2025)
Online cursussen